Mac Developer Roundtable - Version Control
I’m on this week’s Mac Developer Roundtable regarding source control management. This was the first podcast I’ve participated in, and I’m happy how it turned out. The fact that I don’t utterly hate my voice when I hear it is a little unexpected. Thanks for having me on Scotty.
I talk a bit about my experiences with Mercurial as well as some generic version control topics, like branching, merging, and tagging. I probably could have talked more about the advantages of Mercurial and distributed version control systems (DVCSs), but it was hard in such a short time.
I’m glad I was able to talk a bit about unconventional uses of DVCSs, such as managing Unix configuration files and using them to keep track of changes I make to Apple’s sample code. I’d like to elaborate more on these in a future post, but for now, enjoy the podcast.